Sunday, March 2, 2008


Clicke here to enter website: RCJones Photography.

Alright, so I'm VERY excited to officially announce my new site! I've been working on it for a couple weeks now and it's finally up and running with slideshows, easier navigability, and full screen hi-resolution images for all categories. I've expanded my portfolio much beyond what the site had in the past, and now have dedicated portfolios for music, engagements, kids, and landscapes, along with personal projects. Also, many thanks to the team at Neon Sky for all their help with the design and launch of the site, as I couldn't be more pleased with how it's turned out. And don't be strangers, everyone! I'd love to get your feedback on the new site and let me know if everything is working properly and looking good. Drop me an e-mail, leave me a comment, give me a call. I'd love to hear from you.

And wedding season has officially begun! I just got back from Santa Barbara shooting Steve and Katey's absolutely beautiful wedding yesterday, and here's a couple shots for now. More to come shortly...


Jennifer Disney March 3, 2008 at 8:45 AM  

woohoo! Awesome new site! Has a great feel to it and really showcases your style well. Nice! And that photo of, I'm guessing it's the bride, from this weekend...... beautiful!

Shane & Nikki March 6, 2008 at 1:35 PM  

more puhleeeease?

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