Thursday, May 1, 2008

Baguettes with guys named Pierre.

That's right my friends, I'm off to Paris. I'm taking a much-needed vacation to the City of Light with my lovely little lady for the next 10 days and will have little to no access to both my phone and e-mail. So keep those e-mails and phone calls coming; my responses will just be a little delayed. As one would expect, I'll be taking MANY, many pictures of the next week and a half, so my travels will be well-documented. Expect one hell of a slideshow when I get back!

Have a wonderful week back here in the States; I'll say hi to the Moulin Rouge for you all.'



Jennifer Disney May 1, 2008 at 11:29 PM  

Have fun my friend! Hang out in Monmarte. It's cool.

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