Tuesday, December 4, 2007


I recently switched companies for my print order fulfillment, so please visit the new site at: http://rcjonesphotography.instaproofs.com/ to view your wedding. This is just for weddings shot in the last couple months, and you will still need to input your event code . This site is much easier to navigate through and even includes slideshows, so it's definitely an upgrade from the last one. My official site will be updated within the week for the "Clients" login, but for now you can access the new login here. Thanks to everyone who I've met, shot for, and become friends with this past year; it's because of you all I'm where I'm at now. Once again, the new login is:

New Client Login



Micah Foster December 11, 2007 at 8:27 PM  

sup ryan, long time...no talk...found you via josh dildine's blog...

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